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Sunday, December 1, 2019

Turmeric Treats

My latest treat formulation practically doubles as a supplement so I wanted to give it its own post to explain the benefits.

A batch of my homemade chicken bone broth
The main ingredient is bone broth.  I actually make this myself, using chicken feet so it's fresh and void of any preservatives, unnecessary flavors etc.  It is full of glucosamine, chondroitin, gelatin, collagen, protein and trace minerals.  When put in the fridge, chicken feet bone broth thickens to a jello consistency - proof that it is chock full of healthy goodness!  All of these bone broth attributes contribute to healthier joints in our dogs, cats, and us! (I do feed my cats the same bone broth, they love it!) It's basically a delicious joint supplement!

Gelatin in bone broth can also aid in digestion and promote a healthy gut.

The color of the treats come from turmeric, a natural anti-inflammatory.  Years ago when I was first  struggling with sacroilliac (SI) joint issues, I was put on some meds for the pain and inflammation. Not wanting to use pharmaceuticals for long term pain management, I started taking turmeric.  It provided me relief if I took it consistently and I no longer needed prescribed anti-inflammatories.
Turmeric works best when coupled with an oil and black pepper. The pepper provides piperine, which slows the digestion of curcumin (the active ingredient of turmeric), allowing the body to better absorb it. Curcumin is fat soluable, so providing a healthy lipid like coconut oil, allows the body to better absorb it into the bloodstream, rather than just eliminate it as waste.

Learn more about the benefits of bone broth and turmeric in the video and links below.