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Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Kelp for Tartar Control? Yep!

Kelp is a nutritional powerhouse, providing minerals, vitamins and amino acids. This group of sea-vegetables has proven abilities to help our bodies and dog's bodies too. That doesn't mean supplementing with a little kelp will even out a crappy diet, but it is still a supplement worth using.

I actually learned of kelp's ability to help tartar by accident.  I purchased it for it's abilities to boost the health of my dogs skin and fur. I started finding that certain kelps have a bacteria (a good bacteria!) that releases an enzyme in the mouth that helps to reduce plaque on teeth by breaking down the biofilm.  Less plaque in the mouth means less bad breathe!

This is when I started making my Coconut Biscuits, which have the same 2 kelps in them that have these tartar reducing enzymes. Because of all the wonderful properties of these kelps along with the other high quality ingredients in my Coconut Biscuits, I make sure these are a daily treat for our dogs. No, kelp will not magically dissolve all of the tartar currently on your dogs or cats teeth but it can help soften the plaque and help prevent further accumulation.

With daily use, kelp can impact your dogs or cats tartar within weeks.

Read about Newcastle University's discovery on kelp's tartar fighting enzyme here.

Another study on it here. And lots more info online!

If you want to incorporate the benefits of kelp into your dog's daily routine, you can contact me to purchase my Coconut Biscuits through my store.